Voluptua von Temptitillatrix

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Voluptua von Temptitillatrix

Voluptua von Temptitillatrix


Jack Black missed the eugenic memo (also, just found out Francis Galton never had kids. Bahahahaa): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QRZpligDOs

So now that Planned Parenthood have had to remove their courageous but eugenicist founder Margaret Sanger's name from their headquarters, who volunteers to break the bad news to Charles Darwin University Australia, Charles Darwin Research Station Galapagos and Darwin College Cambridge?

P.S. Charles "severe struggle for existence" Darwin spent 8 years intensively studying barnacles. Barnacles, man.

Plato had creepy eugenic ideas about ideal cities: https://owlcation.com/humanities/Analyzing-Platos-Perfect-Society-in-Republic

Anarchistic Eugenics Was A Bust: https://muse.jhu.edu/pub/266/oa_monograph/chapter/3065221/pdf

Charles Darwin just may have had Eugenic creepish tendencies...: https://www.econlib.org/library/Columns/y2005/PeartLevymalthus2.html

Creative Genius is more correlated to psychosis than high IQ: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3115302/

The Life of Madame de Stael: https://archive.org/details/madamedestalher00unkngoog/

Peter Kropotkin Tackles Eugenics: https://sniadecki.wordpress.com/2016/02/04/kropotkine-eugenism-en/

Alfred Russell Wallace, Libertarian Eugenic-ish?: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/301865662_Wallace_Women_and_Eugenics

Gutsick Gibbon brutally slaughters Robert Sepehr: www.youtube.com/watch?v=uK06oBPGVKw

Were free love feminists a little correct about Cortisol Stress Hormones, Pregnancy and IQ?: https://neurosciencenews.com/cortisol-pregnancy-child-iq-26086/

If Woke Hollywood ever does make "Snow White Privilege and the Seven Socialists", I vote Vaush for Snarky the Socialist, Richard Wolff for Grumpy the Socialist and, of course, Second Thought for Smuggy the Socialist. (Disclaimer: Vaush good. Marx flawed)

Talking the History of Eugenics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1VRMSp4_-k

The 2019 study of gene variance governing oestrogen-signaling pathways of the brain: https://neurosciencenews.com/transgender-genetics-15642/

A Harvard University summary of modern research on transgender brain development: https://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2016/gender-lines-science-transgender-identity/

Mykhailo Drahomanov was the man: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/mykhaylo-drahomanov-a-symposium-and-selected-writings

Madame de Stael “Treatise on the Influence of the Passions”: https://www.themarginalian.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/DeStael_happiness.pdf

Amazonian Canela are more politically sophisticated than you: https://pib.socioambiental.org/en/Povo:Canela_Apanyekr%C3%A1

Aboriginal Kin Relations free online: https://press-files.anu.edu.au/downloads/press/n4082/html/cover.xhtml?referer=&page=0

That's right, bitches. I think Gaza was a genocide but I don't hate Jews. I have no target demographic for this video whatsoever. I laugh in the face of target demographics!

Fun fact: Christopher Hitchens, Big Daddy of anti-Islam Rational Scepticism, was best buddies with Edward Said, author of the most detailed analysis of why Rational Sceptics are full of shit on Islam. See, you could do that in those days. That's the last fun fact for a while, so enjoy it.

I'm still waiting for their vid on George Washington: www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOA3jLr7vXM

B'tselem are still fighting for Gazan rights: www.btselem.org

Ahmed Alnaouq spitting facts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUoIJ65ksJA

And the UK Labour party disciplines Jewish Holocaust Survivors for anti-Zionism. Because of course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4PFmz4MNdg

Giora Eiland is a charming man ("Let's Not Be Intimidated By the World"): https://justpaste.it/8zt4b

I was waiting for Cody to drop on this and he does me proud (plus it's always fun to watch his soul leak out his eyeballs when he has to endorse products): www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrGlRax9AiY

Yes, George Washington and Patrick Henry were grubby landgrabbers. If my Jewish viewers have to face unpleasant realities, you Americans aren't getting off either: https://www.history.com/news/remembering-the-proclamation-of-1763

King George 3rd Got Woke on indigenous land rights: https://indigenousfoundations.arts.ubc.ca/royal_proclamation_1763/

Willem Kieft offers bounties scalping and enslaving Natives: https://nativephilanthropy.candid.org/events/laws-support-scalping-and-raping-and-enslaving-native-women/

Ahad Ha'am wouldn't be having Bibi's bullshit: www.commentary.org/articles/hans-kohn/ahad-haam-nationalist-with-a-differencea-zionism-to-fulfill-judaism/

Gazans hated Hamas before October 7th: https://www.arabbarometer.org/wp-content/uploads/what-palestinians-really-think-of-hamas-2023-10-26-08-4941.pdf

Operation Cast Lead & the Goldstone Report: https://scholarlycommons.law.case.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?params=/context/jil/article/1157/&path_info=43_Schabas.pdf

The history of “mowing the lawn”: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/jan/07/ten-years-first-war-gaza-operation-cast-lead-israel-brute-force

"There had been no execution! No execution! That was the loveliness of this journey up the stairway of the moon. There was as much free time as they needed, and the storm would come only towards evening, and cowardice was undoubtedly one of the most terrible vices." - Mikhail Bulgakov, 'The Master and Margarita'

Vladimir Kara-Murza (now jailed) on the history of Putin's Russia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIibXQU_dgo

(by the way, Alla Pugacheva is 27 years older than her husband. Add her to the list)

*Dead City Christmas*

There's no password for missions,
When the question's a shot.
Millimeter precision,
Five smokes on the trot.
Dead City buried today
Its voices, hushed calls.
The skies lost their way,
Now they're haunting its walls.

Silent Yuletide arrives,
But this basement is night,
And how many lost lives
Has that window sniped?

I forgot there's more than dark
And death in Nature's mix -
On the sixth, the troops embarked,
At six minutes to six.

That morning snowflakes fell,
After days of opening fire,
That snowflake slayed my soul,
Snuffed my brief life entire.
I let it rest upon my hand,
Spat in white dirt and dust.
Was this truth or a dreamland?
Eternal life or stinking rust?

This City was shattered,
But no cross was raised.
Drunken city and battered;
Starving life's final taste.
Here concussed stars are addled
New Bethlehem's burnt.
In tree bark, babies swaddled;
Some limbed, others weren't.
Wish “Merry Christmas” to iron
And the Crown of Gauze.
Mother Theresa's sighing,
Her face solicitous.

With a rustle, last night
I recalled days gone by:
Pulling curtains tight,
We're alone, eye to eye.

That morning snowflakes fell,
After days of opening fire,
That snowflake slayed my soul,
Snuffed the century entire.
I let it rest upon my hand,
Spat in white dirt and dust.
Was this truth or a dreamland?
Eternal life or stinking rust?

There's no password for missions,
When the question's a shot.
Millimeter precision,
Five smokes on the trot.
Dead City by my side,
With its blank and empty eyes,
Firing blanks at empty skies,
Yesterday I was alive.

*Last Autumn*

Last Autumn passed without a line or sigh,
In Summer our last songs crumbled,
One final bonfire where this era can die,
As we watch light and darkness jumbled.

Last Autumn, last Autumn...

Laughing, the Autumn storm swept away
All that choked us on dusty nights, shed
All that would pressure or shimmer and play,
Bitter aspen winds ripped it to shreds.

Last Autumn...
Akh, sweet Alexander Pushkin, why?
Why didn't you once let us know?
How to hold on, how to love, how to try...
What you learned all those Autumns ago...

Hungering seas swallow Autumn suns,
And they hiss just as memories rust,
You knew what lay past those clouds once,
Now untouched grass gathers dust.

Into last Autumn the poets are gone,
Their way back is boarded up tight.
Summer freezes, yet the rains go on,
And love still brings stones to life.

This Anarcho-New-Year (it's Russian Christmas, ok?), celebrate the return of Santa Musa, dressed in Matthew Henson's polar outfit, stained red with the blood, sweat and tears of actual meritocracy, riding his magic camel caravan with Mama Tinga Tinga and all four of the Inuit conquerors of the North Pole: Iggianguaq, Odaq, Ukkujaaq and Sigluk, each with their own personalized name tag... the caravan flies along Granville T. Woods' magical electronic roller coaster from the North Pole to Timbuktu, scattering presents and showering gold as they go... because screw you, corporate America, that's why.

Pussy Riot - "Mama, Don't Watch TV"

Mariupol is screaming
Under skies blue and gleaming,
But the holy throne has to be filled!
Sold sovereignty triumphant-willed.
Our President rubs out like an eraser,
Swastika or"Z", Hitler or Caesar,
Tanks on vacation, a Russian vagary,
Oldies awarded ribbons for bravery -
We're "foreign agents" for wavering.

Coffins are contraband, shipped to the motherland,
Counting casualties on the news is banned.
Finished school? – grab your rifle, go serve!
But get 15 years' jail for anti-war posters.
Russian warships: go get fucked!
Tanks bogged down: no cakewalk!
Our futures on your chopping block.
In promise of victory, everything's soaked -
Politicians snort veterans' ashes like coke.
Sadistic routines, executioners' slogans,
Novichok cooked up for the outspoken.

Mama, I'm a captive, don't watch TV,
Mama, here there isn't a single Nazi!
Mama, why's the war a "special operation"?
Why's it special? What's the occasion?

Putin thinks apathy adds to your charms!
For 10 years, the West were selling him arms.
In the name of the Russian Federation:
Poverty, sanctions, death, incarceration.
Non-conformist freethinkers aren't any use -
Do you question their plot against Belarus?
Death's no big deal, your folks get a reward
And some love war like their mother-in-law -
"Enough, child, mama loves you, goodbye.”
Red nails dig the earth with strangled cry


Dear sister, we're here in spite of the cross,
Monstrous spring comes tempest-tossed.
Needlessly amended constitution
Calling us to complete the revolution
Let Moscow burn, the world's in blood
Wash it off or cover it? Nothing could
The largest country took Crimea still,
Forgive us, but nothing ever will.

Mama, I'm a captive, don't watch TV!
Mama, here there isn't a single Nazi!
Mama, why's the war a "special operation"?
Why's it special? What's the occasion?

Ukraine, I love you.

Mykailo Drahomanov, Father of Ukrainian Anarchism, Explains How Centralization Causes Separatism: https://autonomies.org/2022/03/mykhailo-drahomanov-anarchist-echoes-from-ukraines-past/

Good info on the Holodomor: https://www.unian.info/society/78161-is-there-a-smoking-gun-for-the-holodomor.html

Thomas Edison was a dick: https://www.businessinsider.com/granville-woods-black-inventor-thomas-edison-electricity-invention-telegraph-2023-11?r=US&IR=T#:~:text=Woods%20ultimately%20sold%20some%20of,General%20Electric%2C%20and%20American%20Engineeringring.

The Data on Women in Hollywood: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0229662

Mansa Musa Turns Santa Musa: https://www.africanhistoryextra.com/p/mansa-musa-and-the-royal-pilgrimage

“Self-Made Men” by Classical Libertarian Frederick Douglass: https://www.leeannhunter.com/english/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Douglass_SelfMadeMan1872.pdf

Instead of wasting time debating who's the bigger asshole, that asshole Netanyahu or those assholes Hamas, why don't we explode both their propagandas by proving Liberal Muslims were right all along? I humbly submit this would not only be more effective and less genocidey, but much, much funnier.

Syed Ameer Ali explains Gradual Abolition in (free to download!) “The Spirit of Islam”: https://archive.org/details/spiritofislamorl00alisrich/page/n9/mode/2up

How Hayreddin Pasha sold democracy to Arabs: https://www.mdpi.com/2077-1444/14/1/109

Huda Sha'arawi thought sharia was feminist: https://www.tbr.fun/huda-shaarawi-speech-at-the-arab-feminist-conference-1944/

The Feminism of Ibn-Rushd a.k.a. Averroes "haver of hoes": https://ibn-rushd.org/wp/en/2015/02/01/nadia-harhash/

Sayings of Caliph Umar (second successor to Muhammad): https://sunnahmuakada.wordpress.com/2013/02/03/some-sayings-of-umar-ibn-al-khattab-r-a/

Why Islam Buhairy doubts Muhammad's child marriage: https://www.quran-islam.org/articles/part_5/age_of_aisha_(P1472).html

Malcolm “Hot Sex” X Gets the Feminisms: https://academichustler1975.wordpress.com/2016/03/21/a-change-of-perspective-on-women-malcolm-x/

So does Mahmud "Saucy" Tarzi, Father of Afghan journalism: http://opar.unior.it/1278/1/Annali_1995_(f.3)_Note_e_discussioni_pdf_Nawid.pdf

Abelard Loved 12th century Muslim Rational Scepticism: https://newlinesmag.com/essays/how-godless-arabs-changed-europe/

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was not a fan of women's education: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/363637843_Revisiting_a_Fractured_Legacy_Sir_Syed_Ahmed_Khan_and_Muslim_Women_Education

Freud and European Female Genital Mutilation: https://www.alsf-chile.org/Indepsi/Articulos-Clinicos/The-Freud-Ferenczi-Controversy-in-light-of-Emma-Ecksteins-circumcision.pdf

Speaking of pussies... you'll get cleavage again when I'm less pissed off about global complicity in genocide.

Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan tackles free speech: https://www.thehindu.com/features/friday-review/write-back/article7561258.ece

The intellectual cull of Gaza: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUoIJ65ksJA

Edward Said gets shouted down a lot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7g1ooTNkMQ4

Hagai "the Chad" El-Ad explains the wider ethnic cleansing program: https://www.newyorker.com/news/q-and-a/the-gaza-ification-of-the-west-bank

Wikileaks reveals Israel's Head of Military Intelligence officially told the U.S. Ambassador he welcomed Hamas as a chance to treat Gaza as a hostile entity: https://ciaotest.cc.columbia.edu/journals/meria/v15i1/f_0029759_24079.pdf

Syed Ahmed Khan on jihad vs. terrorism: https://www.outlookindia.com/website/story/india-news-sir-syed-ahmed-khan-beyond-mohammedan-oriental-college/402781

The 2009 Goldstone Report on Israeli war crimes: https://www.un.org/unispal/document/auto-insert-180360/#:~:text=The%20Goldstone%20report%20contains%20an,and%20other%20relevant%20international%20instruments.

Muslims can't rebel on Facebook (neither can anarchists): https://theintercept.com/2021/10/12/facebook-secret-blacklist-dangerous/

The Golden Rule in Islam: https://archive.nyu.edu/bitstream/2451/43458/2/The%20Golden%20Rule%20in%20Islam_FINAL.pdf

Sir Mixalot is an underrated anarchist philosopher. Learn the secret reason why even flat-buttocked women find his song empowering, all the hot chicks think "Harold and Maude" is the greatest love story of our times, and Gaga warned Maga it's a surprisingly short distance from liking Andrew Tate to licking Andrew taint.

“love approaches much nearer to contempt than is commonly imagined... so far is perfection, considered as such, from being the cause of beauty; that this quality, where it is highest in the female sex, almost always carries with it an idea of weakness and imperfection... “
Edmund Burke, “A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and the Beautiful” (1756)

Tenets of Vasyl Stus: https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/thriving-in-isolation-and-beyond-the-empowering-poetry-of-vasyl-stus/

Klucharev Links Repetitive Learning and Conformism: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0896627308010209

D'Angelo Wallace Also Has Thoughts on Tate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIHHv5eQmwE

Madame de Staël Was France's Leading Advocate of Separation and Balance of Powers: https://oll.libertyfund.org/page/stael-and-the-french-revolution

Catharine Macaulay Had Thoughts on Women's Education: https://myweb.uiowa.edu/fsboos/BoosMacaulayLetters.pdf

Hard times make Libertarian men. Libertarian men make good times. Good times make insecure dipshits. Insecure dipshits make hard times. And so the cycle begins again...

A semi-musical odyssey through the history of Irish censorship. The Irish national anthem sung by Éire Óg, "Memoria" by León Gieco, "Óró sé do bheatha abhaile" lyrics by Pádraig Pearse, sung by Sinéad O'Connor, and "Gael Gigolos" and "Guilty Conscience" by Kneecap.

Rodolfo Walsh's Open Letter to the Military Junta (full text): http://www.jus.gob.ar/media/2940455/carta_rw_ingles-espa_ol_web.pdf

Ronan Burtenshaw slays: www.youtube.com/watch?v=snpuJ0Bk88o

Kneecap wants you to get your brits out: www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SsOmjwZKrI

If you're starved for Voluptua, here's a bumper crop! But what does all this anarcho-wank about systems of government have to do with food? It's a Mystery (as we say in Eleusis)...

Igbo Proverb: E gbuo dike n'ogu uno, e ruo n'ogu agu e lote ya (Kill your warrior in squabbles at home; remember him when enemies attack)

A Few Problems With the Monsanto-Bayer Merger: www.greenamerica.org/blog/what-you-should-know-about-monsanto-bayer-merger

Vandana Talks Food Democracy (before Sri Lanka proved why immediatist tactics are so vital): www.youtube.com/watch?v=COV-fWlfWAo

Buddha's Seven Pillars of Republican Democracy: https://suttacentral.net/dn16/en/sujato

Elizabeth Heyrick's "Immediate, Not Gradual Abolition": https://archive.org/details/immediatenotgrad1825heyr

Indian Co-op Answer to amazon: www.thenews.coop/98620/sector/retail/gocoop-indias-amazon-co-operatives/

Gayanashagowa – Iroquois Great Law of Peace: https://cscie12.dce.harvard.edu/ssi/iroquois/simple/1.shtml

Duration of the Iroquois Confederacy: https://ratical.org/many_worlds/6Nations/DatingIC.html

Slavery and the Fall of the Roman Republic: https://dc.etsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3303&context=etd

Did I Mention Aboriginal Kinship Systems Are Fiendishly Complex? https://books.openedition.org/pacific/564

Whakaotirangi: https://ndhadeliver.natlib.govt.nz/delivery/DeliveryManagerServlet?dps_pid=IE22164318

The Tale of Parihaka: https://www.nzgeo.com/stories/parihaka/

The Irish Potato Famine Fun Times: https://www.historyplace.com/worldhistory/famine/hunger.htm

Lady Jane “Speranza” Wilde Tackles The Famine: https://ireland-calling.com/the-famine-year/

Bengal Famines: https://yourstory.com/2014/08/bengal-famine-genocide

Thurston Shaw's excavations of Igbo-Ukwu: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0067270X.2013.828390

Igbo Culture of Yam: www.igbounionfinland.com/significance-of-new-yam-festival-in-igbo-society-of-nigeria/

Igbo Women and their Umuada: https://igbozuru.com/culture/why-umuada-are-powerful-respected-in-igbo-land/

The Rapid Rise And Fall of the Collapsy Songhai Empire: www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfUT6LhBBYs

It is an ancient, traditional custom among my people that all our festive specials must be at least one week late. Happy St. Patrick's Kwanzaa!! Oh, and if any of my red-pilled edgelord fans haven't read Lermontov's "A Hero of our Time" yet, it's the 19th century "Fight Club" with a picturesque genocidal backdrop: https://archive.org/details/lermontov_mikhail_a_hero_of_our_time/mode/2up

Pasty whiteboy Thomas Davis invents Kwanzaa: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/21210/21210-h/21210-h.htm

Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan Invents Islamist Individualism: www.hudson.org/terrorism/sayyid-ahmad-khans-search-modern-muslim

Thomas Davis Supported Jihadis: https://www.poetrynook.com/poem/ballad-freedom-0

The History of Sticks and Beatings in Irish Language Eradication: https://gript.ie/an-bata-scoir-a-first-hand-account-of-beating-the-language-out-of-people/

Ahad Ha'am's Jewish Nationalism: www.commentary.org/articles/hans-kohn/ahad-haam-nationalist-with-a-differencea-zionism-to-fulfill-judaism/

Muhammad Iqbal thought Islamism would be Social Democracy: https://gcwus.edu.pk/wp-content/uploads/7.-Political-Philosophy-of-Allama-Iqbal-A-Literary-Review.pdf

Mykola Kostomarov Embraces Christian Libertarian Ukrainian Nationalism: http://sites.utoronto.ca/elul/English/218/Books-of-Genesis.pdf

Ukrainian nationalists and Jews: https://shevchenko.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/GeorgeG.Grabowicz-IvanFranko-sd.pdf

Putin Pumps Up the Azov Battalion: https://krytyka.com/en/articles/too-much-ado-about-ukrainian-nationalists-the-azov-movement-and-the-war-in-ukraine

Iran is losing its religion: https://theconversation.com/irans-secular-shift-new-survey-reveals-huge-changes-in-religious-beliefs-145253

Bahraini Free Speecher Ali Abdulemam: www.frontlinedefenders.org/en/profile/ali-abdulemam

The Price of Opposition in Chechnya: https://oc-media.org/features/the-yangulbaev-saga-and-the-price-of-opposition-in-chechnya/

We Anti-SJW Libertarians obviously didn't go far enough when we said votes for women was the original sin. It is now clear that we must also dismantle all democracy, reverse the whole concept of the Enlightenment, reintroduce literal human slavery, tear down all images of Christ, burn every Bible and resume the worship of Odin to be truly safe from those feminists trying to destroy Western Civilization.
All Hail Odin, Mighty Allfather! (Not Thor or Loki, though, we all remember that "Thrymskvitha" medieval Icelandic poem about their cross-dressing. Medieval Viking poetry has a notoriously Woke Agenda)

Anna Julia Cooper inventing Intersectionality in 1892 (free online!): https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/61741

Catharine Macaulay had thoughts on libertarianism: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/catharine-macaulay/

America's first SJW, Frances “Fanny” Wright, tackles the Flaws of Anti-SJW Republicanism: https://awpc.cattcenter.iastate.edu/2020/11/04/of-free-enquiry-1828/

The Declaration of Sentiments: www.nps.gov/wori/learn/historyculture/declaration-of-sentiments.htm

The Black Panthers Also Loved the Declaration of Independence: http://www2.iath.virginia.edu/sixties/HTML_docs/Resources/Primary/Manifestos/Panther_platform.html

Kimberle Crenshaw discusses the intersection of race and gender:

Wilde compares atheist Good Samaritan Prince Kropotkin to Christ: https://www.wilde-online.info/de-profundis-page22.html

The Jewish-ish origins of Fascism: www.quest-cdecjournal.it/fascist-jews-between-politics-and-the-economy-five-biographical-profiles/

Introducing the redpilled among you to the Ancient Indian concept of "romance". Plus a really catchy song about mutual irritation and a nasty dose of reality about politicizing religion.

Songs from "Meera" (1979, starring Hema Malini), "Kuch Kuch Hota Hai" (1998, starring Shah Rukh Khan & Kajol) and Indian anarcho-rockers Bloodywood.

A brief history of Indian Free Love Philosophy: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Vaishnava-Sahajiya#ref237879

Free? Love? Now, I've been accused of insatiably deflating the market value of vagina in my time, but even I never gave it away for free! Merry Christmas, bitchute!

*Correction: Chase meant to say Catherine Macaulay was "England's first Libertarian *Historian*" - John Lilburne is recognized as England's first libertarian.

Man, Muslims today are eager to make Rumi's free love philosophy into a metaphor: https://insidearabia.com/rumi-and-your-soul-trembled/

Rumi's Masnavi is quite long actually: http://www.masnavi.net/1/1/eng/1/1/

The Bhagavad Gita teaches life as mirror of the divine: www.holy-bhagavad-gita.org/chapter/6/verse/29

Mirabai in Parakiya Rasa: https://allpoetry.com/Mirabai

Heloise Pioneers Medieval European Free Love Philosophy: www.sacred-texts.com/chr/aah/aah04.htm

Mirabai inspires Indian Libertarian philosophy as Satyagrahi and yogini: http://inet.vidyasagar.ac.in:8080/jspui/bitstream/123456789/5752/1/45.%20TIRNA%20SENGUPTA.pdf

I'm currently recovering from Covid and swamped in work deadlines, so it'll be a couple of weeks before I can make a full-length vid response to all the latest fuckery. Look forward to it, though. It'll be spicy! Mazel tov.

The best part about plotting to overthrow American democracy is that no-one can call you on it for fear of appearing hysterical. But is there any definition of "Liberal hysteria" that doesn't apply to us?

For the record, I would date Jon Stewart. We stan our short kings.

Shaming Hysteria Fucked Over Vets: https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rsnr.2021.0057#d1e2262

Some More News' Cody Rips Jordy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSNWkRw53Jo&t=18s

A Hystery of Hysteria: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3480686/

Freud Couldn't Handle Hysteria: www.artandpopularculture.com/Freud%27s_seduction_theory

Hey It's Vadim!: https://www.youtube.com/c/HeyItsVadim/videos

Learn How Surkov Does Hybrid War: https://static.rusi.org/201907_op_surkov_leaks_web_final.pdf

Nellie Bly did the Rosenhan Experiment a century before Rosenhan: https://medium.com/legendary-women/what-nellie-bly-exposed-at-blackwells-asylum-and-why-it-s-still-important-4591203b9dc7

Zitkala Sa (Gertrude Bonnin) exposed the conservatorship racket, a century before Britney: https://digitalprairie.ok.gov/digital/collection/culture/id/6553/

Anna Politkovskaya suspected Chechen “mass hysteria” was a chemical weapons tests: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2006/mar/01/russia.chechnya

Dorothea Dix & Mad Chicks (in Cages): https://iowaculture.gov/sites/default/files/history-education-pss-reform-dorothea-transcription.pdf

Jordy Brownnoses Putin's Blini: https://www.thebulwark.com/jordan-petersons-pro-putin-punditry/

Soy-based Diets Increase Sperm Fitness (according to science! Science!!): https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36273319/

(*won appeal! Currently fixing!**) CHANNEL (was) BLOCKED ON BITCHUTE IN UK & EU for INCITEMENT TO HATRED for... critical race theory? Sarcastic social justice?

Learn the simple Libertarian technique that America developed to control minorities, that's now resisting democratic transitions and decolonization worldwide! Stop those ungrateful parasites from getting the hard-earned money that you inherited from your ancestors who worked their fingers to the bone on that free land the government handed out!

Remember the "white genocide" of South African farmers?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOtGxBTTEBw

Frederick Douglass, Theory of Self-Made Men: https://monadnock.net/douglass/self-made-men.html

The lynching of Anthony Crawford: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvMzjJ5p6BM

BLM's Deray chats with Libertarians: https://reason.com/2016/06/02/black-lives-matter-deray-mckesson/

Movement 4 Black Lives Policies: https://m4bl.org/policy-platforms/

How Cooperatives Kickstarted the Civil Rights Movement: https://geo.coop/articles/genius-ella-jo-baker

How Dispossessed Irish Peasants Got Capitalized: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_Acts_(Ireland)#Purchase_of_Land_(Ireland)_Act_1885_(Ashbourne_Land_Act)

Guatemala Tried To Adopt The Irish Solution: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decree_900

Over 200,000 Guatemalans were murdered in a ... yes, genocide... by the dictatorship after the US-sponsored coup: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guatemalan_genocide

South Africa's Freedom Charter Wanted to Capitalize the Dispossessed: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_Charter

A History of Black Land Loss in the USA: https://www.upstateforever.org/blog/land-conservation/the-reality-of-black-land-loss

Attention, bootlickers! There seems to be some confusion over whether Putin invaded Ukraine to save it from Nazis or to purge the degeneracy from their blood and soil. Could Jordan Peterson peel his tongue off the jackboot long enough to clear this up?

Help Danik conquer Aconcagua: https://gofund.me/39e49c86

The Tea: Boris Moiseev declared he was "pretending to be gay for attention" in 2010, the year after "Light Blue Moon" and repeatedly announced his forthcoming wedding with American Adele Todd, but I can't actually find out whether they did marry - looks like they did in 2016? He joined Putin's "United Russia" in 2003 "for protection", and has a long history of trying to walk the line of respectability e.g. supporting cross-dressing on stage but not on the street, opposing gay pride parades and gay marriage but supporting gay adoption etc.. So, Russian Milo really, with sharper choreography.


When in Winter's hard frosts, just before Spring,
Mimosas bloom and Nightingales sing;
When you soar to the skies, surprise the stars,
Find birds' nests on top of your window bars.

When the fat teen buys a fashion magazine,
As if boys at school will make her their queen.
When a mustached cop grins at a skinhead punk,
Hauls him off, not to jail, but to dine and get drunk.

See, that's love!
Cupid's wings flutter all round this!
See, that's love!
Don't hide your heart, Cupid won't miss.

When a little boy chalks some name on the street,
When a mindless calf's mouth makes for mom's teat,
When foremen pinch milk-maids to show their esteem,
Or bald soldiers smooch their best buds in a dream.

When mongrel strays hope to be bulldogs one day,
When two pairs of legs poke from barn dance hay,
When professors jump in puddles on rainy days,
And the girls they kissed cry over their straight As.

See, that is love!
Cupid's wings flutter around this!
See, that is love!
Don't hide your heart, Cupid won't miss.

Winter Love wears a snow-white dress,
Spring Love in light blue, dressed to impress,
Summer Love's gowned in a grass-green dress,
Autumn Love wears gold to bold excess.


Once upon a time, I heard regaled
A tale of two brothers' young lust,
Part truth and part a fairy-tale,
Perhaps they walk among us?

The younger's love was pure and sweet,
Devoted slave to a royal lady,
He laid his whole heart at her feet
In an enchanted forest shady.

The elder chose weirder wonders,
And Heaven's loneliness.
Everyone knew he'd not fall under
The spell of a lady's caress.

“That Light-blue Moon's to blame”,
The district all declared.
Condemned for strange love's flame,
He would not be spared.
Light-blue moon, light-blue moon,
No one ever loved him like
That Light-blue moon.

Light-blue moon, moon,
Light-blue moon, light-blue!
The stars drank sweetness
From the light-blue moon.

It seems the younger pledged his word,
To a mortal duel for honour,
The elder, putting up his sword,
Spoke the blessing of a brother:
“The honour's mine, all mine, milord.

Go in love and be yourself adored,
And brother, be the happy one,
I lose all, but you lose more,”
And rode into the setting sun.

“That Light-blue Moon's to blame”,
The District all declared.
Condemned for strange love's flame,
He would not be spared.


Pour shots of martini - Cheers, hey!
For freedom, for destiny, for truth! Queers, hey!
One, two, three shots! Cheers, hey! You're the gay!
For Yuri, for Yulia, screw Liashko!

Check my battle-club, brother huskies!
Tomorrow we'll out-twerk the Russkies!!
Dance Cossack-style, the power's ours,
Ukraine's not dead 'til they close the bars!
Borsht! pig fat! Onion! Horseradish! vodka!
Eat and drink,
I drink, drink, drink!

Lovers! Undercover! glitter-covered! Spit upon them!
Artists! Stylists! Cyclists! Move aside!
Lipstick! Gay-parades! in parliament, they're all the rage!
I want to, I can't though; for pig fat, let's hit that!

Check my battle-club, brother huskies!
Tomorrow we'll out-twerk the Russkies!!
We'll dance Cossack-style, the power's ours,
Ukraine's not dead 'til they close the bars!
Borsht! pig fat! Onion! Horseradish! Vodka!
Eat and drink,
I drink, drink, drink!


Gayropa's capital is Moscow, dear,
All our homophobes have turned queer!
Spiritual ties mean bondage ropes there -
Rainbow mobs marching across Red Square!
Gay propaganda – we love you from Chechnya to Uganda!
Dancing with you on Red Square we flex,
Up to our necks in the safest of sex!

Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules To Fight Woke Disney:

RULE 1: only wooden puppets are allowed to want to be real boys, not Elliot Page.
RULE 2: Same-sex parenting by a bunch of fairies is fine in 'Sleeping Beauty', but only because they don't smooch.
RULE 3: If your favourite Disney movie was made by a gay man dying of AIDS, be sure to miss the point of his satire of Conservatism.
RULE 4: Don't think too deeply about the necrophilia, and we'll all live happily ever after.
RULE 5: The meerkat's allowed to camp it up, cross-dress and do the hula while same-sex parenting, but only because they Don't Say Gay.
RULE 6: For God's sake, don't look into Lewis Carroll
RULE 7: For God's sake, don't look into J. M. Barrie
RULE 8: For God's sake, don't look into Hans Christian Andersen
RULE 9: No seriously, don't look into Lewis Carroll
RULE 10: No seriously, don't look into J. M. Barrie
RULE 11: No seriously, don't look into Hans Christian Andersen
RULE 12: 'Frozen' is reprehensible propaganda. Only men have psychological Shadows.

What those pesky experts say about trans kids: www.wpath.org/media/cms/Documents/USPATH/2022/With%20Date%20Position%20Statement%20Anti%20Trans%20Leg%20USPATH%20Apr%2022%202022.pdf?_t=165066562

UNESCO review evidence of sex education efficiency: https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000260770

"The Light-Blue Puppy": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=To2csb4eK-o

Angela Heywood, punk tradwife: https://scholars.fhsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3209&context=theses

Chapter 19 of J. M. Barrie's "The Little White Bird". You're welcome: https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Little_White_Bird/Chapter_19

Ida Craddock's suicide note: https://www.idacraddock.com/public.html

Comstock's battle against sex education: www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/07/26/the-radical-women-who-paved-the-way-for-free-speech-and-free-love

How Poland packed their Constitutional Tribunal: www.cambridge.org/core/journals/european-constitutional-law-review/article/judgment-that-wasnt-but-which-nearly-brought-poland-to-a-standstill/56BE6A37D914AF25D56A5B4A85714B3C

Orban is still a charming man: https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2022/04/05/why-cpac-traveling-illiberal-hungary

Everyone's favourite adopted Nativist American, Voluptua von Temptitillatrix, explains why you shouldn't feel twinges of middle-class guilt about that time we literally nuked the Aborigines. Insert pun about the deep, pulsing throb of David Hudson's giant stick.

Donziger goes SJW for Ecuador: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvrZRvgwBS8

I don't think Survival International like Bolsonaro: https://www.survivalinternational.org/articles/3540-Bolsonaro

Coolidge goes hippy on Native Americans: https://brewminate.com/what-calvin-coolidge-didnt-understand-about-native-americans/

... including by kicking off #LandBack: https://coolidgefoundation.org/resources/proclamation-september-30-1925/

How Native Feminists Wangled Their Sovereignty: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1156&context=awe

Ecology is a seventeenth-century hippy feminist plot: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/256297016_Maria_Sibylla_Merian_The_first_ecologist

John Locke Sucks At Ecology: https://digitalcommons.law.seattleu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1241&context=ailj

Karuk Nation Knows More About Their Forests Than You Do: https://www.kqed.org/science/1973196/the-karuk-used-fire-to-manage-the-forest-for-centuries-now-they-want-to-do-that-again

Ken Saro-Wiwa Masters Ecofeminism: https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1019&context=historyrawleyconference

Anuket, Goddess of Ecofeminist Internationalism: https://ancientegyptonline.co.uk/anuket/

Does your conspiracy have a SHOT (S = small circle in the know, H = human error, O = obvious goals, T = Technology that exists)? If you answered no to this question, does your conspiracy serve the same psychological needs as the concept of Satan?

Yes, lab leak theory's still probably true: https://theintercept.com/2022/05/06/deconstructed-lab-leak-covid-katherine-eban/

Victor Orban's Hungary sucks ass (and Republicans are actively researching it for tips to crash your democracy, including "Don't Say Gay"): https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2022/04/05/why-cpac-traveling-illiberal-hungary

Jeremiah G. Hamilton, nineteenth-century Black Elon Musk (are we pissed that the financial system is rigged, or that it's not rigged enough to keep unpopular minorities out?): https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2015/10/wall-street-first-black-millionaire/411622/

*not sharing with youtube* Don't worry, Republicans are unleashing a flood of divisive anti-trans legislation that'll distract the trans from solving surveillance capitalism.

About Metabunk: www.metabunk.org/threads/about-metabunk.1966/

Youtube censorship fucks over fragile Kyrgyz democracy: https://ipi.media/kyrgyzstan-youtube-must-investigate-ban-on-independent-news-site/

Free Jimmy Lai!: https://rsf.org/en/news/hong-kong-apple-daily-founder-jimmy-lai-accused-under-national-security-law-one-year-faces-life

Black Lives Matter is worried about the surveillance state: https://m4bl.org/policy-platforms/end-surveillance/

Ida Wells Pioneers Data Journalism: https://interactive.wttw.com/chicago-stories/ida-b-wells/exposing-the-thread-bare-lie-how-ida-b-wells-used-investigative-journalism-to-uncover-the-truth-about-lynching

Shinigami Eyes wants to collaboratively filter content in a self-selecting interest group: https://shinigami-eyes.github.io

Trans*H4CK might develop the solution to all your problems while you're ignoring their Snowflake asses: https://www.transhack.org

Even Megablock is still voluntary association: https://megablock.xyz

Pussy Riot and Vitalik Buterin talk DAO: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1BEbVMArmg

Clay Claiborne takes a stand: https://claysbeach.blogspot.com

Elizabeth Nolan Brown tackles feminist libertarianism: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aiqt8qFiMiw

*Now expanded with extra Pussy Riot* Dedicated with love to the brave people of Ukraine. #FuckPutin (For the latest Ukrainian updates: www.youtube.com/channel/UCOmfcmDrWs7iJrXx7V5Cnwg )

'Dance, Manbaby' is the theme song of 'Welcome to the NHK', an anime about the struggles of a hikikomori (doomer incel).

'Dance, Manbaby' – Otsuki Kenji & Kitsutaka Fumihiko
Watch 'Welcome to the NHK here: www.dailymotion.com/video/x2u59is

Ababa ababa ababa - dancing manbaby!

Born naked into this world, everyone's loved the same
Why then, do our fates diverge like a cruel game?

Some look you in the eye, others are overlooked,
Some will know love, others just get cucked
If that's the way things lie, I'll stay a baby til I die – manbaby!

"Oh what a cute baby! So lovable!"
(just as I planned!) (Epic Troll!)

The baby in her arms is now a manbaby inside!
Behind that baby-face, Manbaby smirks with pride!
You should be one too! Embrace infantilization!
Ababa ababa, dance and breed, achieve world domination!
Russia! Canada! India! Into your nation!

They don't obey, though I'm their edgelord,
She won't look my way yet I should've scored,
Why's meatspace so grey? Can't the truth be ignored?

I pretended to laugh it off, but when life shot me down,
I decided I'd no choice, but life as a baby clown – manbaby!

"Oh what a clever baby! He'll be famous when he's grown!"
(No way)(I'm full-grown!)

The baby in her arms is now a manbaby inside!
Camouflaged by red babygro, in which manbaby hides!
No responsibilities or job, manbaby laughs with mirth!
Ababa ababa, dance and breed, take over planet earth!
China! Europe! Turkey! Manbabies come forth!

"Oh what a cute baby! So lovable!"
(just as I planned!) (Epic Own!)

The baby in her arms is now a manbaby inside!
Behind his baby-face, manbaby smirks with pride!
You should be one too! Embrace infantilization!
Ababa ababa, dance and breed, invading your space station!

Take over Mars, Saturn, the Milky Way!
Manbabies, dance away!
Manbabies, dance away!

'KNIFE' – Pussy Riot

I hold my breath with hammering heart,
I warned you I'm a shooting star!
For the last time, you've been warned -
Now it's guns or knives at dawn.
I wanted to let you off, it's true,
But this world's not big enough for us two.
Your number's up, you're going to learn,
The bell has rung, now it's your turn.

I sharpen this knife for you to die,
Alone on my balcony I cry,
You'll be sleeping with the fish,
To cut and slash is my only wish.
Finally it's me in charge,
I'm a vicious bitch at large!
You're my melancholy dream,
This knife, a token of my esteem.

I'm a beast of prey, I retaliate,
You'd be safer shooting a Head of State!
In Russia's horror stories, your depiction
Will be “tragic Black Sea drowning victim”,
I dig your grave on a balmy night,
My heart is beating strong and mighty,
You wanted her, she's sweeter than I,
You'll lose that sweet tooth when you die.

Summer to Fall, I cry and hate you,
But should I bury or cremate you?
Tears for breakfast, tears I vent,
I still want to possess your scent.
Nobody's home, they're on vacation,
I'm torn between shock and elation,
I'm afraid we two will die today,
I can't believe these games we play.

I sharpen this knife for you to die, you to die, you to die,
Alone on my balcony I cry, me I cry, me I cry,
I'm a vicious bitch at large! I'm in charge, I'm in charge.

“LONG LIVE UKRAINE STRONG AND FREED!” - Traditional Ukrainian Folk Song

When the cursed invaders gutted us with knives,
Boiled us in oil or burned us at the stake,
Captive Cossacks never pleaded for their lives,
All their thoughts devoted to their country's sake:

“Long may live, long may live our Ukraine strong and freed!
Ever praise, every praise her Cossacks by this rhyme!
Ever spread, ever spread her flower and its seed!
And may her enemies get rekt until the end of time!”

Let all the world know, now and forever,
When you tread on Cossacks, then you must beware:
Let freedom rip, rejoice in our endeavours,
And always remember these words to declare:

“Long may live, long may live our Ukraine strong and freed!
Ever praise, every praise her Cossacks by this rhyme!
Ever spread, ever spread her flower and its seed!
And may her enemies get rekt until the end of time!”

Does 'Titanic' prove that women are totally into romances with low-status beta simp shitty providers as long as there's a giant sinking ship to add a little drama? And are there really women who would rather bone Michael Sheen and Aamir Khan than a serial killer?!

Yep, Feminist Men Apparently Have More Sex Than Antifeminist Men (according to science! Science!!): https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1097184X20980789

Elise Tran tackles the serial-killer-boning issue: www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2vN5arQ5B0

Lindsay Ellis explains feminist coercive control: www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7aWz8q_IM4

Contrapoints explains objectification-by-feminism: www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjMPJVmXxV8&t=3s

Vaush explains why Social Justice Culture actually disproportionately abuses women and queer kids: ww.youtube.com/watch?v=CGIBl73iXdk&t=3s


Created 5 years, 10 months ago.

140 videos

Category News & Politics

Voluptua von Temptitillatrix, Queen of Bavarian Barnyard Porn®, Defender of Western Civilization©, adopted Nativist American, bravely battles the arguments of cherrypicked Feminist Vagilante Cressida Fustian, as well as the social justice blue pill postmodern neomarxist normie libtard pedophile cannibal threat that is ALL AROUND US, while DESTROYING genderless Logic and struggling not to become yet another casualty of Colossal Irony in this Culture War™.