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The One


Power, they want ultimate power
Looking down, sitting high in their tower
No, they are willfully blind
I will not fall in line as you poison the world

[Chorus 1]
You can't take my mind
The world is hypnotized
You can't take my eyes
The world is blind
The world's controlled by fear
But what you fail to see is
You will not poison me

[Post-Chorus 1]
I will resist until I'm in my fucking grave

[Verse 2]
Refuse to obey
For you are not a god
No power with me

[Verse 3]
You'll bleed, you cowards
They'll turn mankind to rot and ashes
Destroy and suffocate the earth
No, I refuse to just give in

Our downfall

[Chorus 2]
You can't take my mind
The world is hypnotized
You can't take my eyes
The world is blind
The venom that you spit
Has us on the edge of
Doomsday apocalypse

I refused to consume your poison

Poison the world



Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

1455 videos

Category Education

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