Reviewing "The Future"


Stefan Molyneux has released what might well be his magnum opus: "The Future"! This speculative novel envisions a peaceful, stateless society governed in near-perfect liberty according to the tenets of Universally Preferable Behaviour, a system of secular ethics based in empiricism rather than appeals to authority (religious or otherwise). But can it survive a challenge from outside?

If you're looking for something on par with Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged", which explained Objectivism to an interested world...well, "The Future" ain't it, fam. From its pseudo-mythological opening to its immediate descent into stream-of-consciousness torture that reads like a pool of thought-vomit blocking the reader from the actual story, "The Future" is a frustrating novel that often bogs down in philosophical musings that don't have the forceful dynamism of Ayn Rand's writing style to sustain them.

Could this book have been written better, though? Come and see!

9 months, 2 weeks ago
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