The BLM Riots and the Left's Moral Blindness


I was so incensed at what a couple of liberal-minded friends of mine said on Facebook about the BLM riots that I unfriended them. These five 20-minute videos represent my working through to the basic principles that led me to believe the moral chasm between them and me had grown too wide for us to continue cohabiting in the same online social circle.

I start with my friends' selective empathy favoring the guilty people involved in the BLM riots over the innocents that suffered losses at their hands, and from there I move into an exploration of Dr. Jonathan Haidt's "Moral Foundations Theory" and how it relates to liberal behavior in the riots, in American classrooms, and in the "Autonomous Zone" experiment in Seattle.

For a fuller explanation of "Moral Foundations Theory", I highly recommend Dr. Haidt's book "The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion", available here:

3 years, 10 months ago
3 years, 10 months ago
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3 years, 10 months ago
3 years, 10 months ago