13 Hopi Indian 11:11 Coaches & Agartha


Today, all tribes fear the virus so they wear masks to prevent respiration from fresh air. It's ridiculous at face value. The essence of this series was derived from angelic channeling provided by Sam the Illusionist on Youtube. Earth changes are still pending as of September 2022. Elon Musk is very fortuneless as we will see with Starlink. But our Social Memory Complex as surface human divine love elements is established as of 11:11 (you volunteered). Since this was created, I travelled to Saiph ("safe", get the humor?) in Monument de Chelly .. The twin towers are there, I was led to that spot for me. My facebook is public Billy McCormick or Sowfar Sowgood.
My YouTube: Sofar Sirius
Gab: @billy_mac (gab tv hillbillymac)

2 years, 9 months ago
2 years, 9 months ago
2 years, 6 months ago
1 year, 9 months ago