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Is he or isn’t he a narc? Here’s a short video pointing out just what a RED FLAG looks like when you ask: Am I dating a pathological narcissist?

Ricky and I go back a decade. He’s red headed, sure footed, affectionate, appreciative, and he’s a cat. I was walking through his neighborhood when I came upon him. Actually he skittered across the street to say “Hi!” In cat language that means purr purr purr pet me pet ne pet me. We walked the fifty yards to his house and his people were not home. So I visited with him on his front porch. Here’s the footage to prove it. Cats are wonderful.

Short video, one and a half minutes long, showing the breakfast time routine I have with someone else’s pets. I pet sit my friend’s animals. Here you will
meet Lily the black lab, Libby the short-haired tabby, and HoBo the longhaired ginger. Lily gets a breakfast biscuit off camera.

Personal perspective video for critical thinkers, and for stimulating conversation. When making points of discussion, familiarize yourself with these words: Lambasted. Deviate. Biology.
For the discussion of pathological narcissism, please refer to psychology books. There are common terms (jargon) used for what is now referred to as NPD which is narcissistic personality disorder. It is pathological narcissism on a spectrum. In the classic narcissistic family system, there is a child who is the scapegoat. There is a child who is the golden child. There is a child who is the invisible child. The same child can take on more than one roll. This is not make-believe, let’s pretend, and all play victim. This is the understanding of who your parents were on a psychological level, as they raised you and developed your mind. For myself it shed light on many of my unanswered questions and unexpressed frustrations.
Subject two is on the changing perspective of the female form. I show a picture from 1973 of my sisters and I. Next I show a picture of early porn, a photo by Albert Arthur Allen. He was one of the first pedos, allegedly.
My punchline is the fact I worked in adult entertainment. The experience is written about in my books. When they are completed you will be notified, as long as you subscribe.
Thank you Universe, and my Mother/Father God, especially for their love. Love from God is why I am here today, in mind, body and spirit. Blessings to all! May you have as much good fortune as I have had, and more. So be it.

Video scrapbook of my visit to Tucson, AZ with big brother and sister. Also featuring our family friend Teddy.

Song: Angels Above Me by Stick Figure

A little background story in response to “comments”
from a BITCHute participant. Gave me cause to pause, and more fodder for the future. I am grateful.
The video I refer to is linked below.

The thumbnail is of my dad, sisters, and myself at Plum Island, 1975. I am twelve years old. That summer I played Little League. I played first base. I was the only girl on the team. I was both pinch runner and pinch hitter. You could always count on me to score in a pinch. I was all girl and one of the fastest runners in the school until the boys developed their testosterone. After that my estrogen levels increased as I became more increasingly a woman. That’s how it goes in mother nature folks.

Life advice: You get to write your own script.
There’s always another spoon.
In the words of my father when asked how he like his dinner at a Japanese Steakhouse, “I wouldn’t care if I ever went again.”

When my aunt Nancy died I opened up my heart to my cousin, her first born daughter. We spoke on the phone. She wanted to go on and on about all the things her mother did to her. I told her I didn’t have the energy for it and I was having cortisol levels shoot up. “Can she speak to her own siblings?,” I asked her. She has three of them. Only one actually speaks to her, I think, but do not know for sure. There’s a reason why. SHE is a difficult person. While getting off the phone, I told her I loved her, and I supported her, and I can handle increments of conversation with her. I needed to go. My heart was racing. Twenty minutes had gone by. She was miffed I needed to hang up. She wanted me to keep listening to her, although I had just expressed my needs. “I can listen . . later. I’ve had enough right now.”
Historically she’s kept me on the phone for a minimum of one hour, and a maximum of three. I had allowed it. What did it get me? More
headache. It wasn’t her verbal condemnation of my past. No. It was the fact she assigned a motivation to my actions. She called me a sex worker, immoral, and now teeming with guilt. She then told me I had guilt over my past. She knows me better than I know myself is my best guess. Do you see how obvious a narc is? They project their shit onto you. I won’t even go to details about what I know about her. I was disgusted the first time.
Oh wait there’s more. Only a narcissist asks questions of you only to use the answers as ammunition against you later. Only a narcissist would act all innocent and get close to you only to use privileged information against you later. Enough is enough! I have had enough of her childlike mentality. I could not relive her childhood by listening to her story. I was honest. I spoke with a caIm voice.

Now this was all followed by such toxic text messages that she’s permanently blocked from my cell phone. I am leaving her in the darkness of her own shadows. I’m going towards the light. It is my sincere hope that someone can benefit from my videos. Narcissistic family patterns are a bitch.

Raw video. My mother’s sister, also a pathologically narcissistic, died. I opened up my heart to my cousin, her daughter, because of that. Of course she abused the privilege by sending abusive text messages lambasting me for my past. None of what she said mattered. I quickly deleted and then blocked her. Healthy boundaries are fun! Who knew? Now that I have the power to create them, and justifiably, toxic people just evaporate. Poof. It’s magic.
More to come . . .

Good times with my siblings. No copyright infringement intended. Music rights to “Angels Above Me” belong to Stick Figure:
Scene one: Barrio Brewing Co.
Scene two: Stick Figure on the radio.
Scene three: My sis and brother walking to 4th Avenue Tucson, AZ.

So, things didn’t go as smoothly as I had hoped. In fact, they were worse. It doesn’t mean I didn’t find the gold in the leaden moments. I struck it rich!

Now that I am an adult, and have accomplished the prerequisite healing from pathologically narcissistic partners, my mother’s antics and manipulations make perfect sense. She’s been up to this defense mechanism for years now. I’m onto it. The problem with an aging narcissist is that this one in particular has lost her short term memory. For example ordering a soup dish but then forgetting she did when it arrived at the table. She’s learning how to except it now possibly, but if it were me and her together all alone, she would probably throw it at my face. Just kidding about that last part. But she would fight about it. That’s all my mother did when I visited her alone without my sister Corky there as a buffer. That was the story of my life throughout my entire kindergarten years followed by the senior year of hell. The video is not all doom and gloom. It tells a personal story.

More to come for interest of people and those who enjoy a personal account of the narcissistic journey.
By the way, loving moments occurred between my father and I, my big brother, and my Irish Twin Corky. I got to meet my brother’s lady love and we had fun dancing! So yes. Good moments did occur, and those will be shown in my next video.

At the time of this video I idealistically thought my future visit to my toxic mother would go well. After all she just turned 87 years old. Boy was I ambushed!
Table of Contents after my personal story:
5:20 Angel Card Reading Intro
8:52 Beautiful Human Card
10:38 Ancestral Wounds - Reading for healing
When your mother is a narcissist your life will be a challenge. Become self aware as your first step to your recovery and healing. You can save yourself. You can have the life you were meant to live. Happy, healthy, harmonious and narc-free!

No copyright infringement intended. This is strictly a demonstration video for improvisational dance technique. To purchase this music do an internet search for Big Wild.

Improvisational dance intertwined with personal narrative. Everyone thrives with love yet some broken people are incapable of receiving it. As a healer and a dancer I am embodying the transformation that occurs when healing begins. Dance and movement are essential for releasing past trauma. The body does not lie. The body is your temple. May you dance daily, celebrating the divine within you. Celebrate your divine spark and connection to God and to the Great Mother, our earth.

More musings on men and confessions from an ex narc addict. (That’s Yours Truly)
Q: Why is the USA Capitol in D.C.? (The District of Columbia) What does the name “Columbia” mean? Hint: White dove.
Also this: Narcs are to be pitied not hated on.
Some guitar playing and discourse on narc recovery and reclaiming life.

SCENE ONE: “What cards were you dealt? And what can you make of your life, with them?”
SCENE TWO: “This [life] is a game of sorts.”
SCENE THREE: The beginning . . .

This video is for women. Does he give you acknowledgment? Does he give you attention? (Other than sexual) Does he give you affection? (Other than sexual) You man is a keeper if he FREELY gives you, without being asked or coerced, attention, acknowledgment, and affection.

Candid conversation from a woman’s point of view.

Petsitting philosophy from Yours Truly. When an animal is wanting your attention, is it for love or food? When your body feels hunger, is it for love or food? There’s a self love deficit in the USA. Ever notice? Where does the self hate come from? The floor is open for discussion.

at some point in life a woman may have to choose a dog over a man. Between bad parenting and societal messaging there aren’t that many good ones. In short I’ve had three relationships where I was disrespected and disregarded. Additionally all three men had a lack of respect for women, and they all had issues with their mothers. It wasn’t just issues with the mothers. It was parents that sucked as a whole. Nuff said. have a listen. It may be funnier than you would think.
and the author of two books on the underbelly of the United States of America. I worked in a dance show and in a peep show. I never had sex for money. You won’t believe that but I have no explaining to do. We only lied to ourselves. I certainly know what the truth is. In the end it is only our own judgment of ourselves that matters. Everything is between ourselves and God. There’s no human life who can judge me with any worse whatsoever. I know that to be a fact. A pure hearted person is both vulnerable and powerful.

Drag queens entertaining children is on the corporately owned so-called News. How prevalent is this? What are your thoughts?

The view from room 216 at the Silver Gull Hotel, accompanied by verbal discourse on relationships.

Does healing come from nature? Can a human sungaze safely and receive benefits? Does purple pitcher plant extract help with healing from pox? I don’t have the answers for you.
No I did not experience the so-called monkey pox. What a joke. Amazing Polly researched the aforementioned plant, did a video, and what she came up with makes sense to me. Check out her Bitchute channel, “Amazing Polly.” I don’t endorse EVERYTHING she broadcasts, but so what? Do we have to agree with absolutely everything a person says to find value in some of it?

At sunset allow the sun’s light into your eyes. DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY INTO THE SUN. This is not medical advice and I cannot make any health claims. I can say that my eyesight has improved. Exercise sungazing at your own risk. Be responsible for yourself. The sun’s light is powerful.


Created 3 years, 10 months ago.

34 videos

Category Vlogging

This channel is a creative outlet for Yours Truly. As of October 2021 I have been free of narcissistic abuse, which is why I often use the tag HAPPYSINGLEWOMAN. After eleven hellish years I finally did The Door Slam and went NC. That’s narc-survivor jargon for No Contact. We become actual victims of this predator because of unhealed wounds. Once you heal your childhood wounds, the narc no longer can control you. They control you by manipulating your worst inner dialogue. Well. When I healed my negative programming I could no longer tolerate mistreatment, neglect, disrespect, and abuse. Healthy people do not keep toxicity in their lives!

My Youtube channel is “Kat Woodland” if you’re interested in older material. Anyway, I have been aware of something not quite right here, you know, on the planet, for quite awhile now. Basically this world will eff you up if you let it. Be strong. Be you. Be.